
The Canarian Government raises to level 4 Lanzarote and La Graciosa.

21st January 2021

The Canarian Government raises to level 4 Lanzarote and La Graciosa

We highlight the main points below:

El Hierro passes from level 1 to 2 as from midnight this Friday.

Lanzarote and La Graciosa are limited to maximum of two people who do not live together to be able to meet in public and private spaces; closing hours for those establishments that are not considered as “essential” is at 18.00, with a curfew from 22.00 to 6.00 hrs. 

The entry and exit of Lanzarote is still only for “justified causes” as stipulated in the Royal Decree Law 926/2020, of 25th October.

Hotels, restaurants, bars and cafeterias with terraces that are in level 4 may not exceed the 50% authorized occupancy.  The inside of the establishments may not be used.  The limit of people living together to be sat at a table is 4, however if not living together this is reduced to 2.

Sport practice. In the open air, only individual sport is allowed and that in which the

interpersonal safety distance of 2 meters can be permanently respected. Team sports or those practices and exercises in which that distance cannot be guaranteed may not be carried out. The practice of physical activity and Sports in indoor areas of sports facilities and centers is prohibited. During the validity of the level Alert 4 prohibits any type of physical activity or non-professional sports practice in which it is not possible to maintain an interpersonal distance of 2 meters at all times, including team sports, although they may carry out workouts and physical activity in which that distance is guaranteed.

Premises and shopping centers. The capacity of establishments and retail stores on islands in Alert level 4 may not exceed 25%. In the case of shopping centers and parks, the capacity of the common areas will be limited to 25% of the capacity.

Gaming and betting establishments and premises.  At alert level 4, recreational activity venues in games and bets will remain closed.

Beaches and natural pools. On the beaches the capacity will be 50% and in the natural pools it will be 33%. In the beaches, at this alert level only individual sports are allowed, provided that safety distance of 2 meters with other people permanently.

Public transport, on islands at alert levels 4, its capacity is reduced to 50%.  Surveillance of urban land transportation will be strengthened in the rush hours to avoid crowds. At peak times, avoid using public transport to non-essential or deferred travel. It is recommended to increase the frequency of transport schedules public, ensuring adequate ventilation and compliance with prevention measures, which includes not eat or drink and use the mask correctly.

Hospital centers and health care centers. In hospitals the external visits are suspended, except in the case of minors, pregnant women, accompanying terminal patients and of those other clinical situations that are considered necessary at the discretion of the physician. In the residences of older people, the exits of residents outside the centers and external visits are suspended, except in the case of accompaniment to terminal patients and those other situations that are considered necessary at the address of the center for health reasons. Those patients who are considered resolved cases of the virus, will be exempt from this limitation. In addition, the use of FFP2 type masks and screens is recommended face shields by staff who have direct care with patients in these centers, as well as reinforce ventilation.

General measures for the workplace. The provision of services will be carried out, preferably via remote working where possible or establishing shifts that limit the maximum possible contact between workers. Only essential work meetings will be allowed, always guaranteeing the use mask, interpersonal distance and capacity of 33%.

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Información ofrecida por E.B.F Consulting S.L. E.B.F Consulting ha estado proporcionando servicios contables y fiscales en Europa desde 1999. La oficina central tiene su sede en Lanzarote, España. Para más información visite Copyright © E.B.F Consulting 2022. Todos los derechos reservados.