29th August 2020
The Canarian Government has imposed further obligations in an attempt to control the spread of the COVID-19 virus. We highlight the main points below:
- Citizens are recommended to limit social encounters outside their group of stable social network.
- It is recommended that each person define their social network and that the social encounters are held within this group with a maximum of 10 people.
- The use of masks is to be used in ALL WORK PLACES.
- No events or acts will be authorized for more than 10 people.
- Bars, Restaurants and Terraces including those on the beach must close at midnight and are not permitted to admit new customers after 23.00 hrs.
Weekly updates can be found on the Canary Islands Health Service website (https://www.gobiernodecanarias.org/principal/coronavirus) such as information on epidemiological indicators for each island.
These additional measures announced today will remain in force for the 15 days while there are 100 cases / 100,000 inhabitants that have been diagnosed in the last 7 days.
Information by E.B.F Consulting S.L. E.B.F Consulting has been providing tax and accounting services to expatriates in Europe since 1999. Office is based in Lanzarote, Spain. Visit www.ebfconsulting.com for more details.
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