8th June 2020
Order SND/507/2020, 6th June, which modifies different orders to make certain restrictions more flexible on a national level and the move from Phase 2 to Phase 3.
The main points of entering in to Phase three are detailed below:
Both passenger and driver in motorcycles, and category L vehicles, must wear gloves.
Private vehicles with up to nine seats including the driver can be fully occupied with people so long as they all reside in the same household. When not from the same household then only two people can travel in each row of seats and must respect the maximum distance possible between each other.
All seats maybe used on public transport and private transport if necessary, however the maximum separation between passengers should still be observe and masks must be worn.
Travel between islands is permitted without any specific reason needed. The capacity on the planes and ferries may be limited accordingly.
Allocated time slots have been eliminated, allowing people to go out at any time with a limit of groups of 20 people that can meet up.
Funerals, burials, and wakes may be held with a maximum limit of 50 people in open spaces, or 25 people in closed spaces.
Weddings are allowed up to a maximum of 150 people in open spaces or 75 people in closed spaces.
Places of worship are allowed to have 75% of their capacity.
Shops can open with 50% capacity.
Bars and restaurants may not exceed 50% of their internal capacity, and must ensure that minimum separation of 2 metres between groups sitting or standing in the establishment. This is also request in those bars and restaurants in hotels.
Nightlife bars and nightclubs are allowed to open provided that they do not exceed 33% of their capacity. Dance floors are to be used for tables and chairs, or high tables and stools, close contact dancing is not permitted.
Seating on the open air terraces are limited to 75% of the tables, with a maximum group size of 20 people.
Regarding recreational activities for children and young people, these must not exceed 200 participants outdoors, and 30% or 80 people in closed spaces, including monitors.
Common areas in hotels can be reopened so long as they do not exceed 50% of their capacity, and entertainment activities or classes must be designed with a maximum capacity of 20 people, and preferably outdoors.
Cultural and study activities may be carried out in libraries, provided that they do not exceed 50% of capacity.
Museums and exhibition halls may open with a limit of 50% capacity and visits limited to groups of up to 20 people.
Cinemas, theatres, auditoriums, tent circuses, and similar spaces for shows, may carry out their activity, provided they have pre-assigned seats and do not exceed 50% of their authorized capacity.
Sports facilities and gymnasiums may be used by up to 50% capacity in maximum groups of 20; use of changing rooms and showers is allowed.
Athletes from federated non-professional leagues will be able to train in groups of up to 20 people.
Active and nature tourism activities may be carried out for groups of up to a maximum of 30 people. Also tourist guide activities are permitted, by appointment only, and with groups of no more than 20 people.
Tourist recreation centres, zoos and aquariums may open with a capacity of 50%, and a third in the attractions and closed spaces.
Congresses, meetings, business meetings, conferences, and events, may not exceed 80 people.
Licensed gambling and betting establishments may not exceed 50% of their capacity, nor exceed 50 people in total.