Tax in Spain

Impact of the Repeal of Royal Decree-Law 9/2024 on Economic and Fiscal Measures

On January 22, 2025, the Plenary of the Congress of Deputies repealed Royal Decree-Law 9/2024, dated December 23, and published in the Official Gazette (BOE) on December 24, 2024. This decree contained urgent measures in economic, tax, transportation, and Social Security matters, aimed at addressing situations of social vulnerability. The repeal has significant consequences in several areas, which we detail below.

Repealed Economic Measures

The repealed measures include:

  1. Extension of the Minimum Interprofessional Wage (SMI) amounts for 2025.
  2. Revaluation of pensions for 2025.
  3. Update of regulations on contributions: the extension of the contribution rules provided for in Title VIII of Law 31/2022, related to the General State Budget for 2023, is reversed.
  4. Contribution benefits applicable to ERTEs and the RED Mechanism.
  5. Prohibition of dismissals for objective causes linked to the increase in energy costs in companies receiving direct aid: this measure, initially extended until December 31, 2025, is no longer in effect.
  6. Extension of social measures aimed at mitigating the consequences of the volcanic eruption of Cumbre Vieja.

Impact on Corporate Income Tax

The repeal of RDL 9/2024 does not affect the progressive reduction of the Corporate Income Tax rate, previously approved under Law 7/2024, dated December 20. The planned reductions for micro-enterprises and small businesses remain in effect:

  • Micro-enterprises (turnover less than 1 million euros):
    • 2025: 21% for the first 50,000 euros of taxable base; 22% for the excess.
    • 2026: 19% for the first 50,000 euros; 21% for the excess.
    • 2027: 17% for the first 50,000 euros; 20% for the excess.

Small businesses (turnover between 1 and 10 million euros):

  • 2025: 24%.
  • 2026: 23%.
  • 2027: 22%.
  • 2028: 21%.
  • 2029: 20%.

Impact on Personal Income Tax (IRPF)

The repeal also affects several measures introduced in the IRPF:

  1. Increase in the exemption threshold for the obligation to file: the income threshold remains at 15,000 euros per year, instead of the planned increase to 15,876 euros.
  2. Deductions for energy efficiency improvement works in homes: these deductions will no longer be available.
  3. Deduction for the acquisition of electric vehicles and charging points: the possibility of applying these deductions has been eliminated.

However, other modifications established by Law 7/2024, such as the increase in the tax rate for savings income exceeding 300,000 euros, remain in effect and are not impacted by the repeal.

We are fully available to clarify any doubts you may have regarding these changes. We remain committed to keeping you informed of any regulatory modifications that may affect you.