3rd May 2020
Order SND / 388/2020, of May 3, which establishes the conditions for the opening of certain shops and services to the public, and the opening of archives, as well as for the practice of professional and federated sport.
Opening of retail establishments and commercial premises and similar services:
All commercial retailers as well as professional services that were suspended in accordance with article 10.1 of the Royal Decree 463/2020, 14th March may re-open to the public, with the exception of those that exceed 400 m2 and those that are in Commercial Centres, so long as they comply with the following:
a) A prior appointment system must be established to guarantee the visit inside the establishment or premises at the same time of a single client for each worker, without the possibility of having waiting areas inside them.
b) Individualized customer service will be guaranteed with the proper physical separation provided or, in the event that this is not possible, counters or partitions must be installed.
c) A preferential time schedule will be established for those over 65 years of age, which must be made to coincide with the time slots for walks and physical activity of this group.
In accordance with the above, a system must be established for the collection of products purchased, to ensure a staggered collection that prevents crowds inside or outside the premises.
The trips to these establishments and premises may only be made within the municipality of residence, unless the service or product is not available there.
Hygiene measures to be applied in establishments and premises open to the public:
Cleaning and disinfection of the facilities must be carried out at least twice a day, with special attention to the most frequent contact surfaces such as door knobs, counters, furniture, handrails, vending machines, floors, telephones, hangers, cars and baskets, taps, and other elements with similar characteristics, according to the following guidelines:
(i) One of the cleans must be at the end of the day;
(ii) Disinfectants such as freshly prepared diluted bleach (1:50) or any of the disinfectants that are on the market and that have been authorized and registered by the Ministry of Health. If a commercial disinfectant is used, the indications on the label will be respected.
(iii) After each cleaning, the materials used and the personal protective equipment will be disposed of safely, proceeding to hand washing.
A break during the work day should take place in order to carry out further cleaning, preferably at noon.
Likewise, cleaning and disinfection of the work stations will be carried out at each shift change, with special attention to counters, partitions, keyboards, payment terminals, touch screens, work tools and other items susceptible to manipulation, paying special attention to those used by more than one worker.
When more than one worker attends to the public, cleaning measures will be extended not only to the commercial area, but also, where appropriate, to private areas of the workers, such as changing rooms, lockers , toilets, kitchens and rest areas.
The uniforms and work clothes will be washed and disinfected daily, if applicable, which must be washed mechanically in washing cycles between 60 and 90 degrees Celsius. In those cases where uniform or work clothes are not used, the clothes used by the workers in contact with the clients must also be washed in the conditions indicated above.
Adequate ventilation of all establishments and commercial premises will be guaranteed.
The toilets of commercial establishments will not be used by customers, except when strictly necessary. In the latter case, the toilets, taps and door knobs will be cleaned immediately.
All establishments and premises should have bins, if possible with a lid and pedal, in which they can deposit tissues and any other disposable material. These bins should be cleaned frequently and at least once a day.
Risk prevention measures for personnel who provide services in establishments and premises that are open to the public.
Staff with COVID-19 symptoms or currently in quarantine due to having shown symptoms must not be re-instated when the premises are open. It will be the employer’s responsibility to ensure that all employees have the necessary protection equipment and permanently have at their disposition sanitisation liquid or soap and water if not available. The use of a mask will be compulsory if the distance of two metres cannot be guaranteed.
The fingerprint ID used for clocking in and out of the workplace must be replaced by any other time control system that guarantees adequate hygiene measures to protect the health and safety of workers, or the recording device must be disinfected before and after each use, warning workers of this measure.
The distance between employees in the workplace must be minimum two metres.
The distance between vendor or service provider and customer during the entire customer service process will be at least one meter when there are protection elements or barriers, or approximately two meters without these elements.
In the case of services that do not allow the maintenance of the interpersonal safety distance, such as hairdressing salons, beauty centres or physical therapy, the appropriate individual protection equipment must be used to ensure the protection of both the worker and the client, and in any case ensure the maintenance of the two-meter distance between one client and another.
Likewise, the distance measures provided in this order must be complied with, where appropriate, in the workers’ locker rooms, lockers and toilets, as well as in the rest areas, dining rooms, kitchens and any other area of common use.
If a worker begins to have symptoms compatible with the disease, the telephone number enabled by the autonomous community or corresponding health centre will be contacted immediately. The worker must leave his job until his medical situation is assessed by a health professional.
Protection and hygiene measures applicable to customers, inside establishments and premises.
The time that clients are in the business premises must be what is strictly necessary and in order to make their purchases or receive the contracted service.
In establishments more than one client is being attended at the same time, marks on the ground must be clearly indicated to ensure the two metre distance. Under no circumstances must the same worker be attending various clients simultaneously.
All business establishments must make available to the public dispensers of sanitisation gels which have been authorized and registered by the Ministry of Health. Theses must be located at the entrance of the premises, and must always be in conditions of use.
In establishments and commercial premises that have self-service areas, a worker from the establishment must provide the service, in order to avoid direct manipulation by customers of the products.
In establishments in the commercial textile sector, clothing and similar arrangements, the testers must be used by a single person and after use they will be cleaned and disinfected.
No testing products will be available to customers.
In the event that a customer tries on a garment that he subsequently does not purchase, the owner of the establishment will implement measures so that the garment is sanitized before it is provided to other customers.

Conditions under which the hotel and restaurant activities must be carried out:
Hotel and restaurant activities may be carried out with take away service for orders carried out by their customers, which must be placed by phone or online. A time for collection must be set to avoid crowds within the vicinity of the premises. Under no circumstances may the customer enter the inside of the establishment.
The establishment must have a space enabled and marked for the collection of orders where the exchange and payment will take place. Physical separation between the staff and customer must be guaranteed or, when this is not possible, counters or partitions must be installed.
In home delivery services, a preferential distribution system may be established for people over 65 years of age, dependents or other groups more vulnerable to infection by COVID-19.
Where there is a drive-thru service, the client may place orders from his vehicle itself and proceed to its subsequent collection.
The establishments may only be open to the public during the order pick-up hours.
Risk prevention measures for personnel providing services in hotel and restaurant establishments.
The same measures must be provided as previously mentioned for staff in other business establishments that are able to open to the public. This means all workers must be provided with personal protective equipment appropriate to the level of risk, composed of at least masks, and that they have permanently available and registered sanitisation gels at the workplace or soap for cleaning hands.
Hygiene measures for clients and occupancy for hotel and restaurant establishments:
Sanitisation gels authorized and registered by the Ministry of Health, must always be in available at the exit of the establishment: litter bins with a non-manually operated lid, equipped with a garbage bag must be available. The waiting time outside the premises when collecting must be what is strictly necessary for the customers to collect their order.
Marks on the ground must be indicated to ensure social distancing of two metres. One employee may not be permitted to attend to more than one customer at a time.
Conditions under which professional and federated sports activity must be carried out :
Professional sportsmen/women regulated via the Royal Decree 1006/1985 may begin to carry out their sport using the equipment necessary for their training. The duration and times of training will be what is considered absolutely necessary and must guarantee all measures to reduce the risk of COVID-19.
Federated sports activities that are not for professional sportsmen/women may be carried out individually twice a day, between 6am-10am and 8pm-11pm, so long as it is in their residence municipality. It is not permitted with the presence of the trainer or other monitors. The sports federation must credit that these sportsmen/women comply with the minimum requirements and have the corresponding sports licence.