
Summary of Decree and Orders issued by the Canarian Government to front fiscal and economic matters during COVID-19

7th April 2020

Order 20th March 2020 to set down and clarify the deadlines for Taxes due to the situation of the health crisis caused by COVID-19.

Further to the State of Alarm declared by the National Government, the Canarian Government published in this order their measures on how to treat the IGIC, which is the VAT tax in the Canaries and controlled by the Canaries and not the National Government:

  • The IGIC corresponding to the first quarter due for payment on the 20th April has been extended to the 1st June 2020.
  • The deadline for filing the on Tax on Patrimonial Transmissions and Documented Legal Acts as well as the Tax on Successions and Donations is extended by two months; this refers to taxable events accrued during the alarm status period.
  • However, if the deadline for submitting the taxes mentioned in the preceding paragraph, occurs during the State of Alarm, and correspond to taxable events accrued prior to the statement of alarm, the submission period is extended by one month from the end of the alarm status.
  • If the deadline for taxes on Successions and Donations corresponding to acquisitions of goods or rights by inheritance, legacy or any other inheritance title, occurs during the state of alarm then there is one month to present these from when the state of alarm is lifted.
  • Any taxpayer that has the obligation to present a registration of their commencement, modification, or termination of activity during the State of Alarm, will have until the 1st June 2020 to do so.

ORDER of 31st March 2020, to modify and complement the Order of 20th March 2020, which establishes and clarifies the deadlines in the tax field due to the health crisis situation caused by COVID-19.

  • Regarding the payment of IGIC which has been extended to the 1st June 2020, it is clarified that the online presentation is extended from the 15th April to the 27th May 2020.
  • The tax calculated for those businesses in the modular system can be adjusted in accordance with the number of days the business has been closed due to the State of Alarm. This will be 73 days for those businesses registered as trading as from the 1st January 2020. For those businesses who registered as trading during the first quarter, the number of days will be from the date of commencement to the 14th March 2020.
  • The measures mentioned in the previous point will also be applied to the second quarter for the days that the businesses were closed during the month of April or the length of the State of Alarm. If the business is suspended during the State of Alarm and then does not re-open i.e.
  • decides to terminate the business during the second quarter then they will have to present a quarterly tax return declaring “zero activity”.

DECREE law 4/2020, of April 2nd, extraordinary measures of a economic, financial, fiscal and administrative character to face the crisis caused by COVID-19.

Measures to sustain employment and social support.

In order to complete the extraordinary benefit regulated in article 17 of the Royal Decree law 8/2020, of March 17, introducing extraordinary urgent measures to face the economic and social impact of COVID-19, intended for employees and self-employed residents in the Canary Islands, who have ceased their activity, funds will be introduced to cover 30% of the base minimum contribution in the Special Social Security Regime of said workers or, where appropriate, in the Special Social Security Scheme for Sea Workers, at object to complete 100% of the benefit. In accordance with the National Royal Decree those employees included in an ERTE and the self employed who are registered to businesses that were ordered to close when the State of Alarm was announced will receive 70% of their basic salaries, however the Canarian Government will pay the remaining 30% to ensure that they receive 100% of their contracted wages. The self employed were to receive approx. 700 euros, his will increase proportionally. The procedure for this will be established in an order yet to be published.